11. Container With Most Water


More efficient code exists. This problem doesn't need sorting.

var maxArea = function (height) {
  let hxs = height
    .map((v, x) => [v, x])
    .sort(([va, xa], [vb, xb]) => (va === vb ? xa - xb : vb - va));
  let left, right;
  left = right = hxs.shift()[1];
  let max = 0;
  for (let [h, x] of hxs) {
    let lw = Math.abs(x - left);
    let rw = Math.abs(x - right);
    let w = Math.max(lw, rw);
    max = Math.max(w * h, max);
    left = Math.min(x, left);
    right = Math.max(x, right);
  return max;